Series Faith: Enoch
Series: Faith – Enoch Genesis 5:21-24, has few words, but it tells us so much about Enoch, who walked with God. What people do often tells you more about a them than what they say. In Genesis 5:21-25, Enoch’s testimony tells us volume about him and his character. This is what we know: at 65 […]
Series Faith: Noah- Favor and Faith
Series: Faith/ Noah- Favor and Faith Sometimes, following your family will get you in trouble. Following the world will definitely get you in trouble. This morning, starting with the next faithful saint mentioned in Hebrews, Noah who is a descendant of Adam and Enoch. Genesis 6:1-7 describes the level of depravity in the world during […]
Series/ Faith: Noah Was Different
Topic Faith: Noah Was Different Being different can be a challenge, particularly when there is external pressures to conform to the majority. In Genesis 6:7, we read that man’s evil grieved God’s heart, so God decided to destroy man. In Genesis 6:8, we read that Noah found grace in the eyes of God, that he […]
Series Faith: He Just Did It
Topic: Faith/Noah – He Just Did It God gives each of us purpose, God created us with everything we need, no one is here by mistake (Psalms 139:13-16). This morning I woke up troubled with the constant fight going on between my flesh and spirit. Our flesh is always looking for opportunities to leverage our […]
Series Faith: Abram the Call
Series: Faith/ Abram – The Call I am continuing my study of faith with Abram, who is later named Abraham, a native of Ur, in Mesapotamia, is called by God to leave his own country and people and journey to an untraveled land, where he will be a founder of a new nation. Abraham is […]
Series Faith: Abram, Get Thee Out
Series: Faith – Abram, Get Thee Out In Genesis 12:1, God says to Abram, “Get thee out of the country, and from your kindred and from thy father’s house”. We don’t know what Abram was doing when God gave him this 3-part command, what plans he had for his life, his dreams or goals. God […]
Series Faith: Implicit Faith
Topic: Implicit Faith Implicit faith is defined as having a complete faith, with no doubts. In Genesis 12:1-3, God makes Abram a lot of promises (God will you a land, make you a great nation, will bless you, you will be a blessing, will bless those that bless you and curse them that curse you, […]
Series Faith: Abram Willing to Follow
Topic: Faith – Abram Willing to Follow Our last study, we learned more about God’s servant Abram and how he was obedient and faithful to his test – to leave all he knew, his country, family and father’s house and follow God to an unseen land in Cannan. Today, let’s fast forwarded to Genesis Chapter […]
Series Faith: Guided by Wisdom and Faith
Faith: Abraham- Guided by Wisdom and Faith In Genesis 12:3-10, we read that Abraham prepares to fulfill God’s command to kill Issac. God is testing Abraham to see who Abraham loves more, him or Issac. There is no reference that Abraham debates God or that Issac when confronted with the fact that he was the […]
Series Faith: Abraham – Faith and Obedience
Topic: Faith – Abraham – Faith and Obedience We read in Genesis: 22:10, And Abraham stretches forth his hand, and took the knife to slay his son. So, Abraham is willing to kill his son, Isaac. Skipping to Genesis 22:11-14, we read the angel of the Lord called unto Abraham from heaven and told him […]