Series: Power/ Joshua, Points 9 – 16
Joshua 1:1-9 shares Joshua’s calling and his power thorough commitment and resolve to follow God’s command.
While reading, I noted 35 points of power that Joshua demonstrated as he acknowledged his position as God’s servant.
Below are 9-16 of the 35 points I will share with you this week regarding Joshua’s power:
Points 9-16:
9. Power to be content with what I have, God is with me and will never leave me
10. Power to survive
11. Power to work
12. Power to let go
13. Power to realize your life makes way for others
14. Power to be patient and righteous as you wait for the promise
15. Power to be righteous and obedient in order to claim the full promise and more
16. Power to conquer your fear as you reach for God’s promise
More for us (me and you) to think about.
More tomorrow.
Inspirational messages,