Today, concludes:
Series: Power/ Joshua
Points 24- 35
Joshua 1:1-9 shares Joshua’s calling and his power thorough commitment and resolve to follow God’s command.
While reading, I noted 35 points of power that Joshua demonstrated as he acknowledged his position as God’s servant.
Below are 25-35 of the 35 points I am sharing with you this week regarding Joshua’s power:
25. Power to make God’s word your rule and order your conversations
26. Power to conform:
a) meditate day and night on God’s word,
b) on all occasions speak God’s word,
c) do God’s word,
d) don’t turn away from God’s word, but be strong and courageous
27. Power to not let your weakness dishearten you, God is all-sufficient
28. Power to encourage yourself
29. Power to stay focused as you are reminded of God saying,”Have I not commanded thee”?
30. Power to carry your suffering as you heed the will of God and your calling/assignment/purpose
31. Power to bequiet (even when you think you are right) and let God’s word come out instead
32. Power to lead
33. Power to be a servant, be obedient, follow God’s commands and not deviate
34.Power to be ethical
35. Power to be so in-tune with God and his assignment that others are committed to following you
Please check out points 1-24 in this weeks post for the complete 35 points of power.
Joshua demonstrated commitment and resolve as he followed God and God’s call for his life. His testimony of power gives me instruction on the mindset I need as I follow God. We all have our fears and weaknesses, but God encourages each of us to be strong and of a good courage as we align our mind and will to His and press toward purpose.
Inspirational messages,