Series: Joshua/ Go

It’s easy to say, “I will follow you God”.

Following means God first as a priority in our lives, with you and all your “life stuff” in the back.

In my journey of following God, my reality is that it takes a lot including submission of your will, commitment, faith, humility, allowing God to love you, loving God and having a relationship with him, allowing his word to heal you from the past, being self aware that you are here for a purpose, recognizing your weaknesses, letting go of your pride, learning to see people (including our mates, children, parents, families, employees, bosses and even enemies as humans in need of love and understanding ( like us).

My journey is a process. I’m definitely not perfect, no one is, but we get up, reset and keep going.

Processes take time and space.

Time- It is difficult to develop a relationship with God without reading and studying God’s word for yourself and then applying that word to your life.

With a open heart and mind, you will see a change in you and experience great joy and peace in your life.

Space- Be intentional and create space for God. Prioritize your life where you seek him first in the morning and at night. And throughout the day, create opportunities to seek his presence. I do this my listening to gospel music and and thanking him throughout the day. But you create what works with your relationship with God. I know me and so I know I need to as I call it, “marinate” in God’s word to stay close.

Saying, “Yes God I will follow you” is the easy part. The difficult part is getting over who we think we are (pride) and who we think we are not (insecurities) and choosing to consistently work on preparing our hearts and minds to follow God and his purpose for our lives and …….. GO.

Inspirational messages,

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