Series: Jacob/Go
I don’t know where you are in your journey of purpose.
Some have not yet discovered their purpose. If you have not, pray and ask God. Your purpose was established with your creation, but maybe you have not asked or allowed enough space in your life for God so that you can hear him.
Maybe you know your purpose, but you are confused. That’s normal, stop thinking so hard. Read and study your Bible, pray and open your heart and mind and God will show you pieces of His vision, but you have to be open to see and hear.
Maybe you are like me, you know and have submitted to your purpose. Then prepare.
It’s easy to say I will follow God, but what does that look like in real time?
For the past week or so, I have been reading about Joshua, who after Moses died, God called him to lead the Children of Israel into Canaan, the land God promised Abraham.
I am learning from reading Joshua, that Believers are to be servants first and follow God by aligning their wills and plans to His. This is not easy when we are afraid of so many unknowns.
I an a thinker and I analyze practically everything. And I have practically driven myself crazy from time to time over thinking what God wants me to do, rather than deciding to submit and follow. I always reach a point, like where I am now, where I just stop thinking, commit and submit myself to God and just move forward and simply GO.
I don’t know anything in advance other than God wants me to go. And then I witness doors of opportunity start to open, I am drawn to people and people are drawn to me and I keep going, even when I am afraid, have doubts and many unanswered questions, I still go.
After I have settled my mind, I always end up with the same conclusion in my heart that eliminates all opportunity for excuses. When I meet my God, I want to hear Him say, “Well done good and faithful servant, you have been faithful over a little; I will set you over much. Enter into the joy of your Master”.
No one is 100% all day, everyday. That is why we have God to strengthen us as we take off the old person and renew our minds as we put on the new person in Jesus Christ.
So don’t get tripped up on thinking that you have to be perfect, that you are not this or that, or not good enough. God loves you and made you with everything you need.
We may get tired or stray as we follow God, but by His grace and mercy He gives us a new day like none other full of opportunities and new people to meet and help. And because we love God, we get up each day and we go.
Inspirational messages,
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