This is for me, but you can get some too.

Series: GO/ Joshua

Joshua 4:1-19

So the children of Israel hastened and passed over Jordan. The priests are still in the midst of Jordan patiently waiting.

The priests did not leave Jordan until Joshua ordered them to move.

And Joshua did not order the priests out of Jordan until God directed him to do so.

Below is a passage taken from Matthew Henry’s Commentary (Complete) that speaks to the mindset and obedience of following God.

How low a condition soever God may at any time bring his priests or people to, let them patiently wait, till by his providence he shall call them up out of it (Jordan), as the priests here were called to come up out of Jordan, and let them not be weary of waiting, while they have the tokens of God’s presence with them in the deapth of their adversity.

My opinion, the priests had their minds and hearts prepared before they went down to Jordan. As people, they had been tested before – some they passed and some they did not.

I am learning through reading Joshua that in our tests, challenges, adversities, problems, and the like, that Jordan is where we learn our hard fought lessons of faith, obedience and patience.

It’s not easy to patiently wait on God to say, “come on up out of your Jordan”. Each Jordan is harder and scarier than the last one. It is in Jordan that we call on God, our Father to strengthen us. And so we pray more, listen more, read and study more, open our heart and mind more and finally realize that it’s not about us, but about following God and aligning our will to his so that I can leave my testimony (my stone) for others to see God’s glory, power and greatness – in me.

So get up, praise and worship God, be grateful and at peace that God has chosen you.

Inspirational messages,

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