Series: You Gotta DO THE WORK/ The Calling
I started reading Ezekiel 7 today, but have not finished. However, I did find something interesting. The calling is a two part process – God calling and His people (you and me answering). Ezekiel answered his call. The children of Israel through they heard Ezekiel tell of the destruction of the nation, they chose not […]
Series: DO THE WORK/ Friendships Take Work/ Part 3
When you meet someone that you have always wanted to meet or are attracted to, you typically get a little nervous and anxious when you are in their company. You look for opportunities to meet and spend time with each other. And, over time, you learn more about each other and hopefully, a loving, fruitful […]
DO THE WORK Series/ Bring Your Burdens, But Be Honest/Part 4
I was thinking about my previous posts and I realized that I needed to expand on the topic of – bringing your burdens to God. When I was living a life of anger and hurt, I was bound to my past. There were reasons behind my anger, but I didn’t take the time to acknowledge […]
Series: DO THE WORK/ What’s Next – A New Relationship/ Part 6
This is the last post on the topic of DO THE WORK. If you missed any of the previous post, I encourage you to go back and read them. For those who DID THE WORK, I am going to keep going. So how do you feel? I pray that you you feel refreshed and filled […]
Series: DO THE WORK/ Fear – Your Other Friend/ Part 5
The message of DOING THE WORK consists of spending time acknowledging your personal issues and burdens and taking them to God in prayer, discovering His love and establishing/ establishing your friendship (relationship) with God. If you missed Parts 1-4 of this series, I encourage you to go back and read them for more details. Today […]
Where Are You?
Where Are You? I keep being returning to Genesis 3:8-10: “Then the man and his wife heard the sound of the LORD God as he was walking in the garden in the cool of the day, and they hid from the LORD God among the trees of the garden. But the LORD God called to […]
I Got A Bad Habit – Looking Back
I got a bad habit of looking back at the past and talking about what the old Brinda did/would do, instead of talking about God has healed me from and brought me through and giving Him all the Glory. There is no glory for me in the past. Even in the future, the Glory belongs […]
Lord, Make Me Over
We have all heard the Biblical scripture Roman 12:12 which says: Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect. This scripture commands a few things of the Believer: […]
Series: DO THE WORK – What’s Next – A New Relationship
If you missed any of the posts on Doing the Work, please visit my page, For those who DID THE WORK, I am going to keep going. So how do you feel? I pray that you you feel refreshed and filled with a peace that defies understanding. I pray that you feel a connection […]
Bitterness – The Lesson
Well, before I could learn about iniquity I was lead to the thought of “bitterness”. I wanted to know the connection between “bitterness” and “iniquity and I found more than I wanted in Acts 8: 20-23. 20 But Peter said to him, “Your money perish with you, because you thought that the gift of God […]