The Call
I believe that all churches should teach about purpose. It is the essence of why we are here – to be serve God. I didn’t hear about purpose until I was 52. Another word for purpose is calling-most people assume that means being called to be a pastor- maybe for some but definitely not everybody. […]
We never know the full manifestation of God’s plan. So many pieces of His plan being woven together, some unfolded, others still to be revealed. Sometimes we worry about how life will turn out. But, then our faith kicks in and we settle ourselves, our random thoughts and fears, and remember who we serve. Inspirational […]
Preparation In my opinion, faith has two sides, what we are confident God will do, but also realizing that we have work to do. Just as faith requires a commitment from us, opportunity as a right, (rather than a gift to be given or withheld) requires preparation. Sometimes an opportunity will present itself, maybe something […]
Series Faith: Noah – He Just Did It
Topic: Faith/Noah – He Just Did It God gives each of us purpose, God created us with everything we need, no one is here by mistake (Psalms 139:13-16). This morning I woke up troubled with the constant fight going on between my flesh and spirit. Our flesh is always looking for opportunities to leverage our […]
Opportunities When I was in the world, every day seemed the same, there were of course days, moments, achievements, sadness and loss that stand out even now. But, my days became different when I submitted my life to purpose. When you discover your purpose, it is the best day of your life, and will lead […]
Life and Purpose
I don’t post just to post. I create content on the importance of purpose because that is my calling, my assignment. Many days I am juggling multiple projects at work and at home. But my purpose is always the most important thing on my mind. Our families, communities, the world is in need of Believers […]
Everything I Need
God designed me with everything I needed, but I was so broken and never knew it. In 2014, I submitted my life to God, and His love and my life changed. I started to believe what God says about me, that I am beautiful and fearfully made. My thinking changed, and God changed my heart […]
My mother taught me that I can do anything I put my mind to. She was right and I have accomplished a lot. But it is nothing compared to God’s purpose and plans. When I submitted my life to God and purpose, what I thought I can do took on a whole new perspective. Each […]