Series: GO/Joshua – Conclusion

Series:GO/Joshua – Conclusion Today, I am concluding my studies on Joshua, servant of God, leader of the Children of Israel. I have learned so much that I will use for the rest of my life. Reading Joshua has given me a better understanding of following God with the mindset of a servant. Servants must love, […]

Series: GO/Joshua

Series: GO/Joshua Chapter 7:16-26 Achan confessed to Joshua that he stole from God. And, Achan and all that he had (children, livestock, property) were stoned and set on fire by the people of Isreal. And, the decorative robe and small portions of silver and gold he stole in the besiege of Jericho were also burned […]

Series: GO/Joshua

Series: GO/Joshua Joshua 7:1-15 Well now Joshua knows why God is angry, Israel has sinned and transgressed against God’s covenant. God encourages Joshua against his despondency in what has occurred and tells him to get up. Basically, that’s enough mourning, get up, there is work for you to do. God immediately tells Joshua that Israel […]

Series: GO/Joshua

Series: GO/Joshua Joshua 7: 1-10 Winning Jericho gave Israel a false sense of their abilities. Isreal went into battle thinking they would conquered the army of Ai. There is no mention in Joshua 7: 6-9 that Israel asked God whether they should battle Ai. No mention that they prayed to God. No mention that they […]

Series: GO/Joshua

Series: GO/Joshua Joshua 7:1-9 Israel is defeated by Ai. Joshua and the elders know that God is angry, but they don’t know why. Joshua tears his clothes fall on his face before the ark of the LORD until the evening, and he and the elders of Israel put dust upon their heads. Joshua as servant […]

Series: GO/Joshua

Series: GO/Joshua Joshua: Chapter 7:1-5 This is not Biblical, but from various articles on Google, it is estimated that 1.5 million to 3 million Israelites crossed over the Jordan River. We don’t need to know the exact number, but we can imagine that the number was significant for the Israelites to besieged the city of […]

Series: GO/Joshua

Series: GO/Joshua Joshua 7:1-5 Everyday that I study Joshua, I am learning how to apply the wisdom and knowledge in God’s word to help me focus and navigate my Canaan. God’s words are not just printed text, but they are God’s own words of love for each of us to apply to our own lives. […]

Series: GO/Joshua

This is for me, but you can get some too. Series: GO/Joshua Joshua 6:1-27 Before they took possession of the city of Jericho, God told the Children of Israel, not to take the forbidden spoils (valuable treasures set aside for God) because he knew who he was dealing with. When God blesses us (in his […]

Series: GO/ Joshua

Series: GO/ Joshua Joshua 6:1-27 Reading Joshua is blessing and helping me stay focused on serving God and pressing towards my purpose. I pray the same and more for you. The Lord has given the Children of Israel victory over the City of Jericho. The wall has fallen and there is now a clear path […]

Series: GO/Joshua

Series: GO/Joshua Joshua 6:1-27 Now that you are in Canaan, what are you going to do? You prayed all this time for God to deliver you and he has, now what? The Children of Israel have followed God to Canaan and finally with the sound of the priests trumpets, all on one accord, with a […]