Series: GO/Joshua

Series: Joshua/Go In reading about Joshua and his call to lead the Children of Israel to Canaan (their holy and promised land), we know that he was committed and resolved to follow God. But how did Joshua feel about the assignment God gave him? I didn’t see any reference of Joshua expressing how he felt. […]

Series Faith: Noah- Favor and Faith

Series: Faith/ Noah- Favor and Faith Sometimes, following your family will get you in trouble. Following the world will definitely get you in trouble. This morning, starting with the next faithful saint mentioned in Hebrews, Noah who is a descendant of Adam and Enoch. Genesis 6:1-7 describes the level of depravity in the world during […]

Series Faith: Abram, Get Thee Out

Series: Faith – Abram, Get Thee Out In Genesis 12:1, God says to Abram, “Get thee out of the country, and from your kindred and from thy father’s house”. We don’t know what Abram was doing when God gave him this 3-part command, what plans he had for his life, his dreams or goals. God […]

God Doesn’t Owe Us Anything

God doesn’t have to give us anything. Regardless of what we think and feel, God doesn’t owe us anything, not even an answer. But- because He loves us so much, He gives us another day of grace and mercy. He gives us an opportunity by breathing life into our bodies each day to do better. […]

Our Responses – Evidence of Our Faith

This is for me, but you can get some too. Our responses – good and bad  are based on our faith in God, our belief and understanding that God is actually in control. When we believe and trust  in God, a peace should exists and our faith requires a righteous response. It’s our righteous responses […]

Everything I Need

God designed me with everything I needed, but I was so broken and never knew it. In 2014, I submitted my life to God, and His love and my life changed. I started to believe what God says about me, that I am beautiful and fearfully made. My thinking changed, and God changed my heart […]


My mother taught me that I can do anything I put my mind to. She was right and I have accomplished a lot. But it is nothing compared to God’s purpose and plans. When I submitted my life to God and purpose, what I thought I can do took on a whole new perspective. Each […]

Self Motivate

Align yourself to what God says you are. You are loved, beautiful, fearfully and wonderfully made, capable and designed by God to do what He created you to do. You are strong and able to do all things when you rely on God. You have everything that you need. Inspirational messages,

Series: Faith – Enoch Walked With God

Genesis 5:21-24, has few words, but it tells us so much about Enoch, who walked with God. What people do often tells you more about a them than what they say. In Genesis 5:21-25, Enoch’s testimony tells us volume about him and his character. This is what we know: at 65 he had a son, […]

Series Faith: Abram- Get Thee Out

Topic Faith: Abram- Get Thee Out In Genesis 12:1, God says to Abram, “Get thee out of the country, and from your kindred and from thy father’s house”. We don’t know what Abram was doing when God gave him this 3-part command, what plans he had for his life, his dreams or goals. God tells […]