Series: GO/Joshua – Conclusion

Series:GO/Joshua – Conclusion Today, I am concluding my studies on Joshua, servant of God, leader of the Children of Israel. I have learned so much that I will use for the rest of my life. Reading Joshua has given me a better understanding of following God with the mindset of a servant. Servants must love, […]

Series: GO/Joshua

Series: GO/Joshua Chapter 7:16-26 Achan confessed to Joshua that he stole from God. And, Achan and all that he had (children, livestock, property) were stoned and set on fire by the people of Isreal. And, the decorative robe and small portions of silver and gold he stole in the besiege of Jericho were also burned […]

Bitterness – The Lesson

Well, before I could learn about iniquity I was lead to the thought of “bitterness”. I wanted to know the connection between “bitterness” and “iniquity and I found more than I wanted in Acts 8: 20-23. 20 But Peter said to him, “Your money perish with you, because you thought that the gift of God […]

Series: Faith: Noah Was Different

Topic Faith: Noah Was Different Being different can be a challenge, particularly when there is external pressures to conform to the majority. In Genesis 6:7, we read that man’s evil grieved God’s heart, so God decided to destroy man. In Genesis 6:8, we read that Noah found grace in the eyes of God, that he […]


Preparation In my opinion, faith has two sides, what we are confident God will do, but also realizing that we have work to do. Just as faith requires a commitment from us, opportunity as a right, (rather than a gift to be given or withheld) requires preparation. Sometimes an opportunity will present itself, maybe something […]


Topic: Faith Was excited to start reading and studying again out of my Mathew Henry’s Commentary (complete) and study Bible on faith. God has I believe shown me parts of His will and vision for Purpose8 Institute. Each time, I am excited and then I start over thinking and fear starts to sets in. I […]

Faith – Brothers Cain and Abel

Topic: Faith I’m still on Hebrews 11:1 and Genesis 4:3-5. Yesterday, I was thinking about the brothers Cain and Abel, particularly their relationship with God and their faith, but also about the dynamics between them as brothers and their childhood as children of Adam and Eve. In Genesis, we get a clue that Cain has […]

Topic: Faith/Envy

Topic: Faith/Envy I got up this morning thinking more about Cain as a person and what lead him to sin. I know he was mad at Abel his brother Abel and God, but why? What would lead Cain to kill his brother? Reading more of Genesis 4:8, the Matthew Henry’s Commentary (Complete) gives me more […]

Faith: Weight of a Divine Curse

Topic: Faith/ weight of a divine curse This morning I was thinking it was time to move on from Cain. Then, I started thinking where I missed a step in my own faith. I believe it’s when I led with my thinking instead of letting go and letting God be God. In Genesis 4:9-12, we […]

Series Faith: Noah- Favor and Faith

Topic: Faith/ Noah- Favor and Faith Sometimes, following your family will get you in trouble. Following the world will definitely get you in trouble. This morning, starting with the next faithful saint mentioned in Hebrews, Noah who is a descendant of Adam and Enoch. Genesis 6:1-7 describes the level of depravity in the world during […]