Sharing the importance
of purpose in our everyday lives


Sharing the importance of purpose in our everyday lives

Purpose8 Institute

Positive and inspirational content to open your heart and mind to the importance of purpose in your everyday life. God created and designed you for his purpose, – to give him glory. Each of us has a purpose, some more than one, to complete while we are alive. Many of us, like me lived their entire lives and never knew the had a purpose.

Have you asked your Creator the most important question of your life, “God, what is my purpose? Why am I here? What do you want me to do?

If you know your purpose, don’t know your purpose or living a life of purpose, I ask you to join me as I share my journey of living a life of purpose. Along the way we will discuss many topics not often discussed among Believers – all of which focus on being re-introduced to our authentic selves aligned to God’s will and purpose for our lives (Psalms 139:13-16).

Authentication Process

Featured Product

Authentication Process - Ebook

Brinda Devine, founder, Purpose8 Institute

Authentication Process


